
Posts Tagged ‘women authors’


I noticed last year that my friend Terri Connellan kept posting tweets with the hashtag “AWW2012”.  Upon investigation, I discovered the Australian Women Writing Challenge, but as it was reasonably late in the year I didn’t participate.  However, this year I’ve decided to have a go, albeit at a reasonably modest level.  Sometimes I think I sign up for way too many things, so I’m trying to be a bit realistic about this.

What is the Australian Women Writers Challenge?  It is an attempt to overcome gender bias in the review of books by Australian female authors by influential newspapers, literary journals and magazines, following the recognition that Australian male authors were far more likely to have their work reviewed than women were.  This year, there’s a website and blog, another hashtag (#AWW2013), and me!

I’ve signed up for the Miles level challenge, which means I need to read at least 6 books by Australian female writers and review 4 of them in this space.  I’ve already completed one review, and the remaining reviews will be posted here as well.  I’m looking forward to the challenge of both the reading and the writing – anyone else want to join in too?

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